I remember that day I got so into those astrology things and just couldn’t stop digging into them. I was looking at my own birth chart, and it hit me that there might be something interesting when comparing it with another person’s chart. That’s when I started to mess around with synastry, and boy, was that a rabbit hole!
So I picked a friend’s chart, someone I talk to a lot but also clash with sometimes. I entered both our birth details into one of those online calculators. It churned out a bunch of aspects, and one that caught my eye was the Sun square Mercury aspect. I thought, “Oh, this could be why we have those misunderstandings.”
I started to read up on what Sun square Mercury means in synastry. From what I gathered, it’s all about communication and how we process information. I noticed in our interactions that we often talk past each other. Like, I’m trying to explain something, and they’re already off on a different tangent. It’s frustrating, but seeing it reflected in the synastry chart made so much sense.

I dug deeper and found some articles and forum posts talking about this aspect. People were sharing their experiences, and it was like a light bulb went off. I wasn’t alone in this! Others were dealing with similar communication hiccups in their relationships. I felt a bit relieved, to be honest. It wasn’t just me or my friend being difficult; there was an astrological explanation for it.
The next step I took was to reflect on our past conversations. I started to see patterns. When I tried to bring up a problem, they’d misinterpret my intentions. And when they shared their thoughts, I realized I often jumped to conclusions before they could finish. It was like we were speaking different languages, even though we were using the same words.
I decided to try an experiment. I approached our next conversation with more awareness. I made a conscious effort to really listen to what they were saying, without interrupting or planning my response. And when I spoke, I tried to be as clear and straightforward as possible.
Here’s what I did:
- Listened actively: I paid attention not just to their words but also to their body language and tone.
- Asked clarifying questions: Instead of assuming I knew what they meant, I asked them to elaborate.
- Spoke slowly and clearly: I took my time to articulate my thoughts, avoiding jargon or ambiguous language.
- Checked for understanding: I asked if they got what I was trying to say and encouraged them to do the same.
It wasn’t easy, and it felt a bit awkward at first. But you know what? It actually helped. We still had disagreements, but they were more productive. We were actually hearing each other out and trying to understand where the other was coming from.
I continued to practice this mindful communication, and over time, it became more natural. It’s not a perfect solution, and we still have our moments, but the Sun square Mercury aspect doesn’t feel as daunting anymore. I learned that astrology can give us insights into our relationships, but it’s up to us to use those insights to make things better.
This whole experience taught me that even challenging aspects in synastry can be worked with. It’s all about understanding the energies at play and making a conscious effort to bridge the gaps. And hey, it’s kind of cool to have astrology as a tool to help navigate the messy world of human relationships. It made me appreciate the complexity of our interactions and the importance of clear communication. Plus, it was a fun deep dive into astrology that I won’t forget!