Your Money Tarot Guide: How to Get Answers About Your Cash Flow!

Your Money Tarot Guide: How to Get Answers About Your Cash Flow!

Okay, so, I tried this “money tarot” thing today. I know, I know, it sounds kinda out there, but I was curious, you know? I’ve been thinking a lot about my finances lately, trying to figure out how to get ahead, save more, maybe even invest a little. So, when I saw this thing about using tarot cards to get insights about money, I was like, “Why not?”

First, I had to find a deck. I didn’t have any tarot cards lying around, so I just printed out some images I found online. They weren’t fancy or anything, but they did the trick. Then I looked up a simple “money tarot spread”. There are tons of them, but I picked one with just three cards. One for the past, one for the present, and one for the future, seemed simple enough for a beginner like me.

I cleared a space on my kitchen table, laid out the cards face down, and tried to focus. I’m not gonna lie, it felt a little silly at first. But I closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths, and tried to think about my current financial situation and what I wanted to achieve.

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Then, I shuffled the cards, just like I’d seen people do in movies. I cut the deck, and then I flipped over three cards, one by one.

  • The Past: The card I got was “The Wheel of Fortune,” but it was reversed. Apparently, that means unexpected changes or maybe some setbacks that I’ve experienced. Which, yeah, that’s pretty accurate. I had a few unexpected expenses last year that really threw me off track.
  • The Present: This card was “The Magician”. It’s supposed to represent resourcefulness and using your skills to manifest what you want. That got me thinking about maybe starting a little side hustle, something I’ve been considering for a while.
  • The Future: And for the future, I got “The Star” card. It symbolizes hope, inspiration, and positive things to come. That’s definitely encouraging! It made me feel like if I keep working at it, things will eventually look up.

Honestly, the whole experience was kinda interesting. It wasn’t like the cards magically told me what to do or anything. But they did give me some things to think about. Like, maybe I have been too focused on those past setbacks, and it’s time to move on. And maybe I should finally take the leap and start that side hustle. I don’t know if it was the cards or just the act of taking some time to reflect, but I do feel a little more hopeful about my finances now. We’ll see what happens, I guess!

I’ll probably try this again sometime. Maybe with a real deck of tarot cards next time, just for fun. Who knows, maybe there’s more to this money tarot stuff than I thought.

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