Whats 179 Angel Number Mean? Quick Guide for You!

Whats 179 Angel Number Mean? Quick Guide for You!

Okay, so, the other day I started noticing this number sequence, 179, popping up everywhere. It was weird, right? First, I saw it on a license plate while I was stuck in traffic. Then, later that day, my coffee order total came out to $1.79. That same evening, I was scrolling, and this page I follow suddenly had 179 comments. I thought, “Alright, universe, I’m listening!”

So I did what any normal person would do – I googled it. Turns out, it’s what some people call an “angel number.” Apparently, these numbers are like little messages from, well, angels, or the universe, or whatever you want to call it. The whole thing about 179, from what I gathered, is that it’s all about new beginnings and stepping up to the plate. It’s like the universe giving you a little nudge, saying, “Hey, you, it’s time to do that thing you’ve been thinking about.”

My Little Experiment

I’m not usually one for this kind of stuff, but I figured, why not? I decided to treat it like a little experiment. I set an intention to be more open to new opportunities and to pay more attention to my gut feelings, which is something the 179 thing is also supposed to be about.

128471bac5434f767ebb2260d633e5dc Whats 179 Angel Number Mean? Quick Guide for You!
  • The first thing I did was start saying “yes” to things I’d usually say “no” to. Like, a friend invited me to a networking event – usually, I’d bail, but this time I went.
  • I also started paying more attention to my intuition. There were a couple of times when I had a strong feeling about something, and instead of ignoring it like I usually do, I followed it.

What Happened?

Okay, so, no lottery wins or anything, but some interesting things did happen. At that networking event, I met someone who’s actually become a pretty good friend, and we’re even thinking about collaborating on a project. And those gut feelings I followed? One of them led me to apply for this online course that I’d been eyeing for ages, and I got in! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but I kept putting it off.

Now, I’m not saying that seeing 179 everywhere suddenly changed my life. But I do think that being more open to the idea of change and paying more attention to my intuition has made a difference. It’s like I opened a door in my mind, you know? And even if the whole angel number thing is just a coincidence, it got me to try something new, and that’s always a good thing.

It is kind like, you’re in a flow state now. And it does feel pretty darn good. I encouraged everyone to find your number and try it!

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