Venus Conjunct Mars Composite: How Does This Aspect Affect Your Bond?

Venus Conjunct Mars Composite: How Does This Aspect Affect Your Bond?

Okay, so I’ve been messing around with astrology charts again. This time, I really dove into this thing called a “composite chart.” It’s basically where you take two people’s birth charts and mash them together to see the energy of the relationship itself. Sounds kinda wild, right? Well, I got particularly fixated on this Venus conjunct Mars aspect in a composite chart I was checking out.

First, I grabbed the birth info for these two people – you know, date, time, and place of birth. Then, I popped that data into one of those online astrology calculators. There are a bunch of them out there, just pick one.

After I generated the composite chart, I started hunting for where Venus and Mars were hanging out. In this case, bam, they were right on top of each other – that’s the conjunction. When I saw it, I knew there’s something there to analyze.

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So I started digging around online, reading about what a Venus-Mars conjunction in a composite chart means. Apparently, it’s a big deal for relationships. We are talking about some serious sparks flying, intense passion, that kind of thing. It’s like the universe saying, “These two are gonna have some fire between them!”

I spent a good few hours just soaking it all in. Thinking about how this aspect might play out in a real-life relationship. The potential for amazing chemistry but also maybe some head-butting, since Mars can be a bit of a hothead. It was fascinating to consider how the energies of the two planets combine. I even tried to imagine what the relationship dynamic would look like.

I scribbled down a bunch of notes about the dynamic, what the relationship would have looked like, and possible outcomes. I also compared this aspect to a normal natal chart reading to see how it compares. I noted all of my findings in my journal.

This whole thing really got me thinking about how astrology can be used to understand relationships better. It’s like having a secret decoder ring for the dynamics between people. I’m definitely going to keep exploring composite charts and these planetary aspects. It’s a pretty cool way to look at the connections we have with each other. Maybe next time I’ll check out how Saturn plays into things or what happens when the Moon is involved. Who knows!

    Things I Used:

  • Some website for calculating charts
  • My trusty notebook and pen
  • A whole lot of internet articles about astrology

Anyway, that’s my little adventure into the world of composite charts and the Venus-Mars conjunction. Hope you found it somewhat interesting! It’s definitely a rabbit hole worth going down if you’re into this kind of stuff.

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