Princess of Swords Reversed Guide? Heres Everything You Need To Know About This Card!

Princess of Swords Reversed Guide? Heres Everything You Need To Know About This Card!

Okay, here’s my blog post about the “Princess of Swords Reversed,” written in a personal, experiential style, just like you asked.

So, I was messing around with my tarot deck the other day, just doing a simple three-card spread for myself. Nothing fancy, you know, just a little past, present, future action. I flipped over the first two cards, and they were pretty spot-on. Then came the future card: Princess of Swords, reversed.

Now, I’m no tarot expert, but I’ve been dabbling for a while, and I know enough to get the gist of things. I started by shuffling the deck, really focusing on what I wanted to know. I pulled the cards one by one, laying them out in front of me. I felt a little jolt when I saw the Princess of Swords, but upside down. This card, even right-side up, can be a bit tricky.

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Normally, this Princess, she’s all about new ideas, curiosity, and speaking your mind. She’s sharp, she’s witty, she’s got that youthful energy where anything feels possible. But flipped? It’s like all that good stuff gets twisted. It could mean I was about to face scattered thoughts, or maybe some communication breakdowns. It can also point to being overly critical or using your words in a way that hurts instead of helps. This was not what I was hoping to see.

I sat there for a while, just staring at the card. I thought about what’s been going on in my life lately. I’ve been feeling a bit all over the place, you know? Lots of ideas, but not really following through on any of them. And yeah, maybe I hadn’t been as careful with my words as I could’ve been in some recent conversations. I tried to be more mindful after I saw the card. I paid closer attention to how I was feeling, and I took some time to really think before I spoke.

  • I picked up my journal and started writing down all the random thoughts bouncing around in my head.
  • Then I meditated for about 10 minutes, and focused on my breath.
  • Tried to listen more in my conversations.
  • Started making a daily list of goals.

Honestly, seeing that reversed Princess was a bit of a wake-up call. It made me realize I needed to slow down, get organized, and be more intentional about how I communicate. I started keeping the reversed card on my desk as a daily reminder. It’s not that I expect bad things to happen. It was more about using that card as a trigger. Every time I saw it, I would check in with myself. I realized that I needed to pay more attention to my thoughts and actions.

The next day, I did another reading, and guess what? The Princess of Swords came up again, but this time, she was upright! It felt like a sign that I was on the right track. It is funny, it was kind of like having a conversation with the universe. I got a warning, I made some changes, and then I got a little pat on the back.

So, that’s my little adventure with the Princess of Swords reversed. It wasn’t scary or anything, just a good reminder that sometimes we need a little nudge to get back on track. It made me appreciate the power of self-reflection and the importance of being mindful of my energy. I’m still working on it, of course. It is a process, right? But I feel like I’m making progress. I haven’t had any major communication mishaps. I’m feeling more focused and clear-headed. And maybe, just maybe, I am starting to embody a little bit of that upright Princess energy after all. It’s all a journey, and sometimes the reversed cards can be the most helpful teachers.

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