Mercury Square Jupiter: What Does it Mean in Your Life and Relationships

Mercury Square Jupiter: What Does it Mean in Your Life and Relationships

Okay, so, today’s adventure is all about this “Mercury square Jupiter” thing I stumbled upon. I’m no expert, but let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride figuring this out. So, let me tell you how I figured out what to do with this.

Getting Started

First off, I had to google what the heck Mercury square Jupiter even meant. Turns out, it’s some astrology stuff about communication and, like, expanding your mind or something. I read a bunch of stuff, some made sense, some didn’t. It was a real mess, to be honest.

Digging Deeper

I started with the basics. Mercury is all about communication, thinking, and how we express ourselves. Jupiter, on the other hand, is the big guy, all about growth, luck, and big ideas. When they’re at a square, it’s like they’re kinda butting heads. It’s like when you are arguing with someone about some big ideas or something and no one want to give up.

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  • I jot down some notes, trying to make sense of it all.
  • Then, I tried to see how this whole thing applied to my own life.

Experiment Time

Here’s where things got interesting. I decided to actually try some stuff out. This is what I have tried:

  • I started paying extra attention to how I was communicating. Was I being too much? Not enough?
  • I also tried to be more open to new ideas, even if they seemed a bit out there at first.
  • Then, I made a list of some things I wanted to learn or improve on, to kind of ride that Jupiter wave, you know?

The Results

Honestly, it wasn’t some magical transformation. But I did notice some changes.

  • I became a bit more mindful of my words.
  • I found myself being less stubborn about my opinions.
  • And I even started learning some new stuff, which was pretty cool.

Wrapping Up

So, yeah, that’s my Mercury square Jupiter journey. It wasn’t some earth-shattering experience, but it did teach me a few things. It’s like, sometimes you gotta just roll with the punches, even if it’s some weird astrology stuff. You might just learn something about yourself along the way. It is not that complicated, to be honest. Just keep it simple, try to pay attention and see if anything works for you.

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