Decoding the 11th House in Virgo: Friendships, Hopes, and Dreams

Decoding the 11th House in Virgo: Friendships, Hopes, and Dreams

Alright, let’s talk about this 11th house in Virgo thing. You know, the stars and all that. People say it matters, so I guess it does. My old man used to say, “The stars ain’t gonna plow your field,” but hey, times are different now, ain’t they?

So, this 11th house, it’s all about your friends, the folks you hang out with. And them dreams you got, the ones you keep tucked away like good seeds for planting later. And Virgo, well, that’s one of them star signs, like Taurus or Gemini, you know? My neighbor’s girl, she’s a Virgo. Always cleaning and fussing, that one. Can’t leave a crumb on the table.

Now, when you got Virgo in that 11th house, it means you’re picky about your friends. Real picky. You don’t just let anyone into your hen house, you know? You want folks who are good, honest, and hardworking. Like those chickens that lay the best eggs, you want the best friends. And you expect them to be reliable, too. No flaky friends for you. If they say they gonna be there, they better be there, rain or shine.

e388160ebcbc43b26655519d6442453b Decoding the 11th House in Virgo: Friendships, Hopes, and Dreams

Some folks say that’s a good thing, having high standards and all. And I guess it is. You don’t want no-goodniks messing with your life. But sometimes, maybe, you’re a bit too picky. You know, like when you’re sorting through potatoes and you throw out the ones with just a little blemish. Sometimes them potatoes are still good inside. You gotta be careful you ain’t throwing away good friends just because they ain’t perfect.

  • Good Friends Matter
  • High Standards Can Hurt
  • Being Practical Helps

This Virgo in the 11th house, it also means you’re practical about your dreams. You ain’t just sitting around wishing on a star. You’re making plans, working hard, and getting your hands dirty. Like, if you wanna grow a good garden, you gotta till the soil, plant the seeds, and water them regular. You can’t just expect them tomatoes to grow themselves. Same goes for dreams. You gotta put in the work.

And you’re probably one of them folks who like to help out, too. You know, volunteering at the church, bringing food to sick neighbors, that kind of thing. Virgo likes to be useful, and when it’s in that 11th house, you use that helpfulness with your friends and community. You ain’t just sitting around gossiping, you’re doing something, making a difference. Even if it’s just a small difference.

They say the 11th house is about groups, too. Not just your close friends, but the clubs you join, the organizations you’re part of. And with Virgo in there, you’re probably the one organizing everything. You’re the one making sure the church picnic goes off without a hitch, or the one keeping the books for the garden club. You’re the one everyone relies on to get things done. And that’s a good thing, mostly. Just don’t let folks take advantage of you, you know? Gotta set some boundaries.

So, that’s what I know about this 11th house in Virgo. It’s about being picky with your friends, being practical about your dreams, and being helpful to your community. It’s about working hard and getting things done. And it’s about making sure your hen house is full of good, reliable chickens, and not a fox in sight. Remember, them stars might not plow your field, but they can give you a hint about what kind of seeds to plant. And that’s something, ain’t it?

Now, don’t go thinking this is all set in stone, neither. We all got choices to make, and we can change our stars, or at least how we work with them. You ain’t just a puppet on a string, being pulled by the planets. You got your own free will, and you gotta use it. So, take this 11th house in Virgo thing as a guide, not a gospel. And remember, a good heart and a strong back will get you further than any star chart.

Tags: [11th House, Virgo, Astrology, Friendships, Dreams, Community, Practicality, Hard work, Responsibility, Social Circles]

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